ArgusCache Extensions - Download

Here you can download the ArgusCache extensions both for the server and the web administrator.

Installing ArgusCache Server and HighChart Extensions:
  1. Download the two ZIP files from above and rename them to .lex
  2. Goto the Lucee Server administrator and navigate to --> Extensions --> Applications
  3. Choose the "argus-cache.lex" from the downloaded location.Image Loading
  4. Upload it to install & check that the extension is properly installed. 
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NOTE : Follow the above steps to install HighChart in Server administrator. For HighChart installation the lex file should be "highcharts-extension.lex"
Installing ArgusCache Client:
  1. Goto Web administrator --> Extensions --> Applications
  2. Choose the "argus-cache-client.lex" from built location or choose from list shown from administrator.Image Loading
  3. Upload it to install & check that the extension is properly installed or not.
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Configuring Cache connections for ArgusCache:
  1. Goto Web administrator --> Services --> Cache.
  2. Create a new cache connections for below mentioned types.
    1. AC_QueryCache,
    2. AC_IncludeCache,
    3. AC_TemplateCache,
    4. AC_ResourceCache,
    5. AC_FileCache,
    6. AC_WebserviceCache,
    7. AC_ObjectCache,
    8. AC_FunctionCache,
    9. AC_HTTPCache.
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ArgusCache Application:
  1. Goto /argusCache/index.cfm and login with web admin password.


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